Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prison Brutality...

This semester in particular it seems like the prison has begun to consume my life. Each and every Thursday that I leave the prison, the thoughts, stories, and experiences from each and every one of the inmates leave me with as well.

For another class this semester we were asked to choose a topic that we thought was a problem in society. The topic I picked was prison brutality. Every week I walk into a prison and there is an unmistakable mistreatment and overpowering of the inmates. Almost every class like clockwork several times in the middle of class there is a CO (Corrections Officer) yelling down the hallway at a prisoner because he wanted to take a drink from the water fountain, or use the door less bathrooms. The sound was cruel and exaggerated as they yell and curse at the freedom-less men.

Well after witnessing these atrocities each week and hearing a heart wrenching story from one of my closest friend I thought that prison brutality would be a perfect topic for this assignment. As one of the components of the assignment I decided to create a video recording my friend recounting her story of prison brutality.

Here is the youtube link for you to view....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making this video, Alonna. This is an important story and an all-too familiar one. The strip tactic is used in prisons all over to subdue and humiliate. Literally, as you show in the video with the interview, what is stripped away is dignity and humanity. The friend you interviewed was a powerful witness to that inhumanity.

    See also this article by Tom Kerr about strip searching in the yard at San Quentin.

    You should let the PEN program know about your video.
